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Miss Nigeria Chidimma Adetshina Not Offended By Miss Universe CEO Anne Jakrajutatip’s comment.

Chidimma Adetshina

Miss Universe CEO Anne Jakrajutatip shocked many fans last week when she said the pageant didn’t need to evolve anymore because they “already got the best” with Victoria Kjaer Theilvig, who won the crown on November 16.

“We have blond and blue eyes, so we’re coming to the ultimate evolution already,” the CEO said when a reporter asked how she planned to evolve Miss Universe. “We don’t need any more evolution here.”

Chidimma Adetshina with Miss Universe Winner

While some in the pageant community criticized Jakrajutatip’s comments, the Miss Universe first runner-up, Chidimma Adetshina, — who made history as the first Miss Nigeria to place in the top five — told Business Insider they didn’t faze her.

“I’m not really offended by it,” she said. “Maybe that’s just her perspective; maybe that’s how she felt about the evolution of Miss Universe.”

Adetshina added that she was disappointed to see Donald Trump Jr.’s remarks about the pageant.

“Biological & objectively attractive women are allowed to win beauty pageants again. WE ARE SO BACK,” Trump Jr. wrote in a message on X on November 18, which Jakrajutatip and Raul Rocha, the coowner of the Miss Universe organization, shared on their Instagram pages.

Raul Rocha and Anne Jakrajutatip with Victoria Kjær Theilvig, who was crowned Miss Universe 2024.

“All the queens that were crowned are so beautiful in their own different ways, so for him to make a comment like that, I feel like he was disregarding all the past queens,” Adetshina told BI. “I can understand why people didn’t really like a comment like that and why it was causing a spark on social media.”

Author: Dr Funmi Beckley

Abeokuta, Nigeria

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