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54th Edition

Recently,I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Allegro Dinkwanyane,one of South Africa’s most accomplished entrepreneurs.The interview contains valuable insights into the success factors of building a multinational brand from a truly inspirational figure.

Dr.Dinkwanyane is a renowned business magnate,investor,and philanthropist,widely recognised for her outstanding contributions to the South African business landscape. She’s South Africa’s Trailblasing Entrepreneur and Visionary Behind Orgella Group. She is a Forbes 30 Under 30 honouree, a multi-award winning entrepreneur, business speaker and Brand SA Ambassador.

She has successfully built and led numerous companies,becoming a symbol of entrepreneurship and innovation.Her impact spans media,communications,and female empowerment,including Orgella Communications, Orgella Entertainment,and Boss Chiq SA,dedicated to innovation, creative excellence, and supporting women’s professional growth.During our interview,Dr.Dinkwanyane shared invaluable perspectives on various topics,shedding light on her journey to success and the principles that guided her along the way. 

Aside from her impressive entrepreneurship journey, Allegro is quite the academic achiever too.In 2009 she enrolled with the University of Johannesburg through which she obtained a BA Journalism Degree (majoring in Communications & Philosophy). She went on to further her studies at the University of Cape Town studying Social Media & Digital Marketing.Allegro holds an Honourary ‘Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration’ Doctorate Degree from Prowess University, Delaware, USA..

A-CHOICES:Hi Dr.Dinkwanyane,Thank you very much for joining us for this Interview.Please introduce yourself and tell us where you’re from?

DR.DINKWANYANE:Thank you for having me.I’m Dr. Allegro Dinkwanyane, a South African born and based Entrepreneur, philanthropist, media personality and speaker. I am the Founder & Group CEO of Orgella Group.

A-CHOICES:To date,you are hailed as one of the youngest and successful owners of a 100% black female-owned company in South Africa.

DR.DINKWANYANE: Yes, I am. I didn’t even know that until it was mentioned to me during an interview and later at an awards ceremony. I think it’s such a great honour to know that my efforts and entrepreneurial journey have led me this far and have had such a positive impact on those around me as well.

A-CHOICES:Orgella is a diverse group of companies invested in several industries including media, communications,property, agriculture and more. How did your journey begin and how did you manage to bring success this far to your business?

DR.DINKWANYANE: Orgella Group currently house nine entities in various industries. I started my first business Orgella Entertainment when I was 21 and fast forward 13 years later, we’re still building, learning and growing. I have always known that I would be involved in multiple businesses housed under one roof. I’m someone that likes to do more than one thing and I’m actually good at doing multiple things. As a serial entrepreneur, I wear many hats and I have many hobbies that I’ve been able to turn into profitable businesses. However, it’s not all hobbies and business ideas that I’ve actually went on to launch as businesses. When it comes to the success of the companies, I attribute that firstly to God, who I believe is the source of my wildest dreams and resources. Whenever God plants an idea in my mind, I know for sure He will provide me with the resources to fulfil that dream. I also work with an amazing team and believe that no man or woman is an island. I can’t possibly do the work I do without help from my team. Lastly, my hard work, prayer, consistency and commitment to my goals has brought me this far and will take me further. It also goes without saying that the support of our clients has contributed to our success. 

A-CHOICES: Has it been difficult? What were some of the obstacles you faced and how did you overcome them?

DR.DINKWANYANE: Absolutely. My entrepreneurial journey has not been an easy one, especially because I started at such a young age. I faced many challenges such as the lack of funding and resources, being told I’m too young and inexperienced to be trusted with big contracts and other business politics. However, through all of this, I used my challenges as a stepping stone to get to where I needed to be. Instead of being discouraged or giving up, the criticism answers lack of support fuelled my ambitions even further because I had a point to prove. 

A-CHOICES: Tell us more about Orgella Properties and Orgella Foods?How do the companies within Orgella Group Compliment each other?

DR.DINKWANYANE:  Orgella Properties is currently a private real estate company, where we buy and sell land and manage properties. Orgella Foods is a small scale organic farm and food wholesaler. We currently supply office park cafeteria’s around Johannesburg and we also have an online store where we ship our products worldwide. We manufacture and sell organic herbs & teas, dried fruit, nuts, biltong, atchar and still & alkaline water. 

A-CHOICES: Can you tell us about any key milestones or achievements your group of companies has reached since its inception?

DR.DINKWANYANE:There have been so many career highlights and accolades, in fact too many to mention but one that truly stands out of being able to relate jobs for young people. South Africa has a youth unemployment crisis and for Orgella Group, a company started by a young black female entrepreneur to be able to open its doors for young people by offering employment, internship and mentorship opportunities has been a great highlight for me. As an entrepreneur, making money is great, seeing your hard work pay off is a great reward but I believe that seeing it make in difference in our communities is an even greater accomplishment. 

A-CHOICES:What keeps you motivated to do the work that you do?Can you share with us any challenges you have encountered in managing multiple companies under one umbrella?

DR.DINKWANYANE:The fact that I haven’t reached the peak I know God has in store for me keeps me motivated and going every day. The fact that I’m building a legacy for my children, in an effort to create generational wealth keeps me going. 13 years later, I’m still growing and building and I know that one day they will continue where I left off. I want my children to have a great foundation to continue building and growing the family legacy. One of the challenges I face regularly is fatigue from wearing multiple hats. But that’s what comes with the nature of my business structure and I try by all means to delegate and takes breaks. Despite having a great team, sometimes clients want me and only me present in meetings, at events, conferences, sight viewings etc and I just have to make it work. 

A-CHOICES: What is your overall vision and aspirations for the future of Orgella Group?

DR.DINKWANYANE:The vision is to build a company so strong in its foundation that each entity can stand on its own financially and continue to creat jobs. I pray for a lasting legacy, one that is not only financially successful but be that has also done its very best in contributing positively in our communities. The interns that comeback sharing testimonies of how much they learned from us, the employees that are able to support their families, buy their first car and enjoy financial independence because they found a place at Orgella Group is more of what I’d like to see in the future of the company. Ultimately, to have my children take Orgella Group to even greater heights is what I look forward to. 

A-CHOICES: What do you think it takes to establish and run a successful business in South Africa?

DR.DINKWANYANE: Confidence, Commitment, Consistency and Collaboration are key. And personally for me, I always say prayer and hard work have never failed me. God remains at the centre of everything I do and because of that I know for sure that I will never fail. 

A-CHOICES: What are the three things you attribute your business success to?

DR.DINKWANYANE: Again, Confidence, Commitment & Consistency. 

A-CHOICES: When did you know that you were an entrepreneur?

DR.DINKWANYANE: As early as 8/9 years when I used to help my mother take stock of the products she used to sell. I also loved helping her out at her shop during the school holidays and counting how much we made in a single day was my favourite part. The fact that entrepreneurship could afford her financial freedom was something I wanted for myself and I’ve always loved the idea of starting something from scratch and seeing it through. 

A-CHOICES:How would you describe your leadership style?

DR.DINKWANYANE: Firm, feminine leadership. And by that I mean, just because I’m an entrepreneur and operate in some male dominated fields does not mean that I want to lead like them. I love leading like a feminine woman. I think it’s one of my “surprise factors” because at first glance people don’t expect to see that and when they do, I believe many admire it. 

A-CHOICES:What are some of your favourite motivational books and motivational gurus that have inspired you to grow your business?

  1. DR.DINKWANYANE:Thrive” by Ariana Huffington, 
  2. “What I Know For Sure” by Oprah Winfrey
  3. “Lean In” by Sheryl Sandberg

I’m also inspired and motivated by anyone with a great growth story. People who refuse to give up no matter how hard life gets. I’m inspired by the local street vendors who wake up every morning to sell something and make a decent living, the sports men and women who push through life threatening injuries and obstacles to rise to glory. In football particularly, I’m motivated by the story of Lionel Messi, a true testament of shining brightly for Jesus with our God giving talents and trusting Gods timing.

A-CHOICES:What three pieces of advice would you offer young entrepreneurs starting today?

  1. DR.DINKWANYANE: Run your own race at your own pace 
  2. Dream big, work hard and never look down on others
  3. Build firmly, work smart, reinvest back into your business

A-CHOICES:What advice do you have for women who aspire to work in your field?

DR.DINKWANYANE: Remain true to yourself, your values and your goals. Don’t change to please others and don’t do anything you know you’ll regret later, all in the name of climbing the corporate or business ladder faster. When you finally make it to the top, pull more women up. We need more women in leadership positions to drive the change we need to see. 

A-CHOICES:What’s the worst and best business advice you have ever received?

DR.DINKWANYANE: Worst: You don’t need a team, you can do it yourself! 

Best: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 

A-CHOICES:Do you have a life mantra that motivates you every day?

DR.DINKWANYANE: I live to make God, my mother and myself proud. 

A-CHOICES:And finally, do you believe in luck, hard work or both?

DR.DINKWANYANE:  I don’t believe in luck. I believe in PRAYER and GRACE. To this day, prayer and hard work have never failed me. 

Author: Gbenga Teejay Okunlola

London, UK

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