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America Decides 2020 What next for the United States? Donald Trump’s Refusal to Concede is No Joke – It is a Dangerous Precedent.

On 7th of November, Joe Biden surpassed the threshold of 270 votes in order to claim success in the US presidential election of 2020 and beating Donald trump.  

Joe Biden of Democrats is announced President-elect, but Trump in certain main states, accusing electoral manipulation, opposes this result. The next president shall be officially nominated by electors from each of US State on December 14. Actually, this is when the window ends for legal challenges, though distant situations which continue to occur after this date. 

The Presidential Transition 

The presidential transition is the duration from the outcome of the election and the beginning of the new US presidency of 20 January. The new president puts together a collective entitled a transition team that plans to take over just after the inauguration and the team of Biden has also developed a website on transition. They would choose candidates to participate in the cabinet, negotiate strategies and plan for leadership. 

Trump Planning Legal Challenges 

In Pennsylvania the campaign of Trump is active, on the basis of unequal election procedures to prevent verification of elections in the county. More than 690,000 postal votes were also alleged to have been counted without adequate supervision by poll watchers.  

In Michigan, an action brought in Michigan on November 9, sought to prohibit the validation by poll watchers (people monitoring the count of ballots to maintain transparency) of outcomes in Wayne County. On November 13, this was denied. Similar Lawsuits have also been filed in Georgia, Arizona and Nevada as well. 

What Biden is doing?  

Joe Biden has spent months building and collecting funds to support his transformation team. However the General Services Department has been thus far reluctant to recognise the triumph of Mr. Biden, who is entrusted with institutional acknowledgment and connections to the government organisation that his team requires.  

His administrator, an appointee of Trump Emily Murphy, said that no “ascertainment” has been created on the winner. If the trump management continues to avoid the move, the Biden team is currently being reported to be planning for legal action. 

Response by Former National Security Officials 

Over 100 former officials of National Security requested that politicians condemn the denial by President Donald Trump of his electoral defeat and termed it an “anti democratic” attack on the integrity of presidential election.  

They have denounced the lack of various Republicans to denounce Trump’s reluctance to recognise Joe Biden’s win in the elections of November 3 and blamed the representatives of the Republican Congress. 

Response by Republican Leaders 

The bulk of Republican politicians were mostly quiet as Trump questioned the outcome of the referendum with unsubstantiated allegations of systematic electoral irregularities, with his lawyers seeking to overturn Biden’s win in an increasingly unsuccessful and desperate way. 

Going to the Supreme Court 

Mr. Trump claimed voting fraud without presenting evidence on 4 November and said: “We’ll be going to the US Supreme Court”. If the electoral outcomes were contested, defence teams will typically have to appeal the election in the State courts – however federal attorneys had been approved by the US Attorney General to prove the charges.  

While Donald Trump does not have to concede or even place a good reputation on his head and participate in Mr. Biden’s inauguration but he is bound by legal obligations. He needs to allow his government to take over Biden’s team’s logistical preparations. 

A Dangerous Precedent 

Despite optimism that Trump was about to concede but he was back on his old tricks with a speech seeming to admit the prospect of a Biden presidency, claiming Biden might have “have won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA” but that “I concede NOTHING ”. And if Trump does not give up, even when a law is violated every day and the US democracy has a deep splash, the danger is reduced.  

WILMINGTON, DE – SEPTEMBER 24: Democratic candidate for president, former Vice President Joe Biden makes remarks about the DNI Whistleblower Report as well as President Trumps ongoing abuse of power at the Hotel DuPont on September 24, 2019 in Wilmington, Delaware. (Photo by William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)

This circus was not wasted by elder statesmen one minute. In an interview, Tony Blair was challenged last week regarding Mike Pompeo’s suggestion that a smooth transition to a second Trump administration” will take place. He tried to draw together to convince us that America has good political structures and institutions, and we need not detain ourselves on Trump’s bones: “The things shall go very quickly.” A grin played on Tony’s lips as he said, “I assumed that this was an ironic remark.”  

The episode is “terrible for democracy, but ultimately a bad case of Trumpian bluster rather than an ominous portent of tanks in the streets” the New Yorkers expect. The lesson they frequently do not understand is that with Trump it appears to be difficult to conceive before it is imminent. It’s too late at that point.

Author: Seyi Awoleye

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