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Adaptation motivation

Standing at the front door of 2021 let us enter in, with the right mindset and a viable  action plan.  

A year ago none of us knew that we were then, on the verge of the most turbulent  times for humanity. Covid-19 caught us unprepared! The virus or “silent war” as I call  it, has managed to damage our world in a more devastating way than any other war  or natural disaster. We all suffered and lost, but no more! We have endured,  evaluated, and now it’s time to adapt.  

As Covid-19 spread, we watched the world financial markets go through the most  devastating crash scenes the one on Wall Street in 1929 and the Global Economy  plunge into the worst recession since World War II, as an International Business  expert and entrepreneur my analytical nature kicked in. My conclusion is that we  need to switch into survival adaptation mode, to overcome the Covid-19 setbacks.  Everyone must adapt in 2021, it is crucial more than ever to make unorthodox  changes that will ensure our future survival.  

In a nutshell, my advice is to Downgrade, Downsize, and go Back to Basics.  

These might not suit many, but are the needed temporary measure to help recover.  We are all climbing the ladder right? Step by step, up we go, but on this occasion, we  have to take 2-3 or even 5 steps back to remain on the ladder. Isn’t that better,  rather than falling off?  

Let’s explore together how adapting your business or work can help forge forward.  One can make similar adaptive lifestyle changes too. I previously hated both these  terms – downgrading and downsizing were never used in my business advice  vocabulary. Part of my work is to help improve or even rescue businesses, friends  often come to me for advice or brainstorming ideas. It was painful to see some of  them close down, be made redundant and even I found myself with a handful of  clients. 

If your business does not fall in the ones thriving from the Covid-19 restrictions, don’t despair, but restructure by downgrading your business and downsizing your  operations, rather than shut down completely. Narrow your product range or  services, to somehow how fit the current market niche, be creative and resourceful.  If you are an employee take a demotion, a pay cut. If unemployed, look for jobs  outside your line of work or retrain. Remember, those are only temporary adaptations enabling you to remain in the game, better to have some kind of job  rather than no job at all!  

My most valuable advice is to go “back to basics”, everyone understands this  expression differently and can implement it in various manners, depending on your  line of work.  

My angle of its adaptive interpretation is that this is no time for competition, but for  co-operation. “Mutual support” and “mutual benefit” are forgotten business terms  that need to be revived from ancient times. Remember that ladder we are all  climbing, how about if you actually fall, but there is a safety net underneath, now  that’s what I’m talking about!  

 Are the trading practices from the past, a way for survival in the future? To find out  more about your personal or business innovative adaptation send me an enquiry to 

Together we can prevail, 2021 here we come!

Author: Albena Jones


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