There’s a Ghanaian proverb which says a great woman behaves like a cat. I never truly understood what it meant until I went through months of turmoil through no fault of my own. Let’s go back to what it means to be a cat woman (no reference to the cat woman comic/ the film) . A cat woman is a feminine feline who knows how to navigate and craft her life according to her own terms. She builds whatever she has into something phenomenal. She’s the phenomenal and formidable woman.
In my life I’ve never seen any creature with as much confidence as a cat. They are who they are and they don’t change for anybody. I’m not particularly a fan of them, I like the calm ones and I don’t like the ones with temperamental personalities but the fact of the matter is their personality, likes and dislikes always shine through. They seem to know that they’ve got whatever they are doing in the bag. They work to attain their goal with an intellectual curiosity that’s unwilling to give up.
Most importantly they walk alone, they are not interested in living or bowing to another’s whims of what their life should be or who they should be. They do them. A cat doesn’t make friends with people who dislike it, it’s a if you like me and I like you we can be cool and I’ll show a lot of love to you, if you like me and I’ve decided I don’t like you, I will show you. If you don’t like me, well I don’t like you more. They don’t try to please anybody and nobody forces friendship or alliance on them, neither do they pretend to like those they don’t like and those who treat them badly can always fall from the first category to the last quickly. A cat is not interested in one sided relationships were they give and get nothing. It’s a give and take 100% of the time. Their mama’s didn’t raise fools.
They are bold and not afraid to be vulnerable, scared, angry, happy, playful, sad and the whole range of emotions. They show their emotions ferociously and fearlessly. They are resourceful and know how to build their lives independently regardless of the circumstances they are in. They just get on with life and try to make the best they can and do it marvellously. If you see the way a mama cat raises her kids to be so well accustomed to whatever difficulties life may bring, you can’t help but marvel at the creatures. A cat depends on no one, they will accept kindness, love and generosity but not to the detriment of themselves.
They are total snobs, a cat doesn’t deal with things or people they find useless. My favourite thing is they know when to fight and when to not fight. If they feel intimidated by you, they warn you first that they are not afraid to contend with you, no matter how big or powerful you are, they will defend themselves if there’s no peaceful way to solve the situation. Some of the time if they find you unnecessary they will just look you up and down and walk away from you with swag. Basically telling you to kiss their catwalk ass. That’s the strategy to deal with human swines (sorry to offend the pigs). There’s no need to respond to unnecessary people of no threat.
I love their attitude they are incredibly audacious fearless creatures who know they are all of that. They take pride in their appearance, are well groomed by themselves, they seem to accept that no matter what they look like they are it (have you seen the naked cat) and rest very well. They can sleep a lot but still manage to get all they need to get done, done and enjoy themselves at the same time. I guess it’s because their not worrying about futile things or beings and are focused on what’s important. Their well being and themselves. They always put themselves first! That’s not selfish if you’re not good to you, you can’t be good to anybody and you learn who deserves your goodness and who deserves to kiss your catwalk ass.
They are masters of creativity, discernment, self believe, resourcefulness, courage, independence, selective and proper love to those who deserve it, wisdom, walking alone, self love, nurture, motherhood, intellectual curiosity and living your best life on your terms by your own hand and resting very well at the end of the day. That’s why the akan proverb says a woman who wants to be a great woman must learn to be a female cat.
Author: Akosua Darko
London, UK