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Gun control and recent shooting in America

Gun control has been a topic of critical interest across nations including both the developed and developing ones. Where most of the developed countries consider gun control as essential and the issue is not politicised there, some developed countries including the US consider the issue to be controversial. As a result, there are no stringent laws in US restricting the ownership and use of guns and other similar products that can be harmful for other humans.  

The gun control is not as controversial in other developed countries as the US as the constitution protects possession of guns despite the fact that the incident of murder are too common in the Country. Recent history in US is full of events involving firing and use of gun / other firearms, where innocent individuals lost their lives as well.  

The recent incidents such as the one that happened in Minnesota involving a murder of Black man by police officer. The 20-year old black man was killed by police during a traffic stop on Sunday April 11, 2021. As the shooting led to killing of an innocent person, who was not supposed to die so early if there were Gun control laws in the US. This also led to resignation by police officer, who was otherwise expected to serve the community and safeguard their interests. 

Another example illustrating abused use of guns and firearms in the US is the murder of 8 policemen at an Indianapolis FedEx facility. The event caused chaos and victims had to run here and there to save their lives near Indianapolis main airport in the month of April 2021. The Gunman was soon identified but in the meantime, 8 policemen lost their life due to the lack of laws available on controlling the possession of guns and relevant arms by the general public.  

The two events lead to the finding controlling the possession of Gun is important for both general public as well as government officials including police officers as anyone can make a abused use of firearms in no time. Despite such events happening all around, there are two groups in terms of their view of gun ownership and possession in US. First group believes

that the gun control will lead to reduced crime and murder rates in the country. On the contrary, other group of individuals believes that it is other way around because the gun control will not be 100% effective and individuals still in possession of guns can exploit others. It is believed by the latter that the guns and other firearms are also used by individuals for their protection, which eventually leads to a lower crime rate in the country.  

The recent events under discussion lead to the suggestion that the gun control needs to be considered by US authorities to avoid such events in future. 

Author: Bunmi Johnson

New York, USA

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