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With the Covid-19 pandemic, wearing a masks becoming part of our daily routine, but this often brings with it the problem of Maskne. We asked award-winning Dr. Janet Adams  to talk us through everything  you need to know about Maskne.

What is Maskne? Face mask acne, shortened to Maskne,is a skin condition caused by wearing a mask for prolonged periods of time. It can manifest as acne, breakouts, a flare up of Rosacea or skin redness and irritation , usually affecting the nose , chin and cheeks. 

What causes it? The wearing of masks causes friction  and a build up of a sweat , oil, bacteria and make-up, leading to blocked pores and inflammation. This is compounded    by the trapping of  humidity within the masked area and sometimes a sensitivity to the mask material.

How can we prevent Maskne? Change  your mask twice a day. It is recommended that you should use your mask for no more than 4hours  at a time . After this time, disposable masks should be thrown away and re-usable masks should be cleaned in a hot wash to remove bacteria and dirt. Cotton masks are preferable to masks made from synthetic materials, and silk masks may be more gentle on the  skin and more breathable.  Cleanse your face before and after using a mask , If your skin is red and irritated , use a gentle cleanser, but if you are suffering with breakouts and acne choose a cleanser containing salicylic acid to remove bacteria and grease from the pores.

Use an antibacterial solution designed to be left on your skin such as clinisept. Use a moisturiser to ensure your skin is not  dehydrated.

Skincare containing sodium hyaluronate and niacinanide will help hydrate and protect the skin barrier. Alumier Ultimate Boost serum is my favourite , If you are prone to breakouts , look out for ol-free non -comedogenic skincare.

Finally, Avoid wearing make-up if possible but if you feel you do need to wear  make-up ensure it is non -comedogenic so will not block your pores. Reduce your intake of diary and sugar as this will reduce the inflammation in the skin. Avoid touching the face and transferring bacteria and grime to your skin.

Author: Dr. Janet Adams

Oxford, UK

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