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A Christian like Jordan

You’ll know them by their fruits, the biggest is love.Some people are truly Christlike. My friend Jordan is one of them. He told me that he doesn’t believe in gossip or partaking in people talking about others. He is purpose driven focused on loving God and loving people, especially those who are broken hearted. The Lord is close to the broken hearted and through my years of turbulence Jordan has never left me behind.

In the Parable of the good Samaritan. The Jewish priest and the Levite left their fellow Jew, who was beaten by robbers and left half dead across the road, to go along on their journey. That’s the sad state of Christianity today, many think the value of a Christian is being judgemental, pointing the sins of others out, some even commit the same sins but because they hide their dirty linens they publicly berate those who don’t. Many Christians are too busy in a rush to serve God to gain the world at the price of their soul. Like is sang in Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, this is all they ask God.

” I ask for wealth

I ask for fame

I ask for glory to shine on my name

I ask for love I can’t possess

I ask of God and his angels to bless me.”

They never ask for God’s kingdom to come, neither do they have the time to be fishers of ‘unholy men’, they would rather talk about how disgusting and sinful they are compared to them. Therefore they walk away when they see someone beaten down by life scorning at them for being a sinner, or they beat them up themselves, rob them of their love, joy, peace and sound mind and go their way to gain their world and pretend to be living for God. Yet as Jesus said in Luke 10:25-37 whoever wants eternal life must behave like the Good Samaritan. 

The Samaritans and Jews were enemies. However, when the Samaritan saw the Jew robbed and left half dead, he was filled with pity and compassion. He bandaged his wounds, poured his precious oil and wine on them, put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an Inn and took care of him and gave the innkeeper money to look after him until his return. That is the love a Christian shows to their neighbour, believer or not, and with the good news of the gospel he soothes and turns people to the great healer that is God to help them after they’ve been beaten down by the evil of this world.

Jordan has always had time to explain the gospel and God’s ways gently. Even when I was wrong, he would humbly and softly correct me. Jordan does not try to beat you down God’s word or guilt trip and shame others into a forced change of behaviour. He doesn’t give ultimatums about doing this and that or he’ll walk away. Neither does he judge or condem. He seems to be aware that’s not his place. He loves, loves and always has time to love and help others with their problems as well as share God’s word. The interesting thing is Jordan was just someone I said hi and bye to at church and I’ve been struck at his unwavering support for me, always, through good and even the very bad. Asking for nothing in return.

I have never met anyone like that before. So obsessed with God’s will and his children. If more of us can be like Jordan, so Christlike in spirit and in truth, more people will believe there truly is a Christ because this type of love and grace, is not found in this harsh world. Jordan makes me want to be like Christ and find his God every single day. Maybe from him we can learn to do the same.

Author: Akosua Darko

London, UK

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