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Michael Jackson was a perfectionist

“Michael Jackson was a perfectionist. Before he put out a song, he’ll think about the video, performance, and everything that comes after the song. He was so humble like he virtually didn’t even know he was Michael Jackson, we have to protect his legacy.” Akon “Michael Jackson and I put together about 4 or 5 records. Working with Michael Jackson is very complicated because every minute he changes the idea about what you’re working on, so you’ve confined him to one idea or another one will come up. The challenge while working with Michael Jackson was getting him focused on the song first then he’ll drop all those ideas in the song. But everyone who has worked with Michael Jackson will tell you that he’s do creative. When Michael Jackson is making a song, he’s not only thinking about the song like most artist. He’s thinking about the video, he’s thinking about the performance and he’s thinking about what comes after the song. It was very challenging working with Michael Jackson because whenever he came up with new ideas we’ll start a new recording session. Michael Jackson was very human and humble, it’s like he didn’t even know that he’s Michael Jackson, like you could meet Mike and he’ll be more excited to see you than you’re excited to see him. We have gotta protect Michael Jackson’s legacy, that guy was a pure hearted soul. Every negatîve thing about Michael Jackson was just a way to brîng him down and that’s why we’ve gotta do everything to protect his legacy.” Akon 

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