51st Edition

Hello and welcome to the October edition of A-Choices Magazine where we celebrate everything Africa.  

This month we bring you the beautiful Agness Kahamba, a Tanzanian social reformer and an education champion who has campaigned against child labour in Tanzania and advocated the universal rights to education. She is also a musician, actress and a motivational speaker.  

In this interview with A-CHOICES, she outlined some of her career milestones that defined her incredible journey, and what the future holds for her. You will find her interview an interesting read. 

A-CHOICES: Hi, Agness, Thank you for granting the interview.Your career is soaring  and we’re excited to speak with you about it.Growing up in Tanzania,what was it like?  Please give a concise autobiography of yourself and your educational background? 

AGNESS: Agness Suleiman Kahamba is Tanzanian, Musician, Actress, fashion  designer and activist. A founder of Tupaze Sauti Foundation who was appointed as a  country ambassador for Child Abuse Preventation Programme from 2018 to  date.Agness was awarded a certificate of appreciation from Road To Success  Initiative for being a champion and to the lives she has impacted on important areas  such as Gender Equality, Child Abuse, Education, Health, Women Empowerment,  Human Rights and Community Development Programmes.2023,Agness receive an  award in category of not for profit ceo/ ceo of the year in Tanzania  

In 2024 Agness listed among 100 most notable women in Africa held in Nigeria and  receive an award for being champion in community development.In 2024 Agness 

listed among 100 most notable women in Africa held in Nigeria and receive an award  for being champion in community development.2024 Agness also receive a special  recognition award of Excellence in community development in Lagos Nigeria.Agness  was also ranked 16th in the list of the Top 50 Most Influential Young Tanzanians  2018 spearheaded by Avance Media in ghana in category of Social Enterprise &  Philanthropy.She works with different leaders and other Tanzanian MPs on  facilitation and enhancing provision of reliable services to citizens. 

She has been regularly invited to attend and participate in various Corporate Events,  National/ International Meetings and Conferences such as AFMAS, 5th Annual  Tanzania Health Summit 2018, SADC industrialization week and exhibition (5th – 9th  August 2019, Dar es salaam Tanzania), as well as the Ongoza Njia Campaign 2020  nk 

A-CHOICES: Tell me a little about your organisation called Tupaze Sauti Foundation NGO. 

AGNESS: -Tupaze Sauti Foundation (TSF) Is a non-governmental organization based in the provision of services in community development, child welfare, health care disease, and education in all fields related in community development. TSF Founded  in 2018 

A-CHOICES: You have dedicated your life to child rights. Kindly give us the motivation behind such a great personal commitment. 

AGNESS: -I am a victim who lived in a difficult situation, who fought against many  obstacles to get a better education, through the life I lived led me to set goals to help  children and women to achieve their goals without going through challenges that can  destroy their dreams 

A-CHOICES: Moving on to another key dimension, what are some of the challenges  that children face in your community and its surrounding? 

AGNESS: -The challenges that children face in my community are: 

EARLY MARRIAGE:early marriage is a challenge faced by many female children,  especially they live in rural areas, the reason for the misconception of a fema… 

FEMALE GENITAL MATILATION:Female genital mutilation is a big epidemic  affecting my community for both male and female, leading to dangerous diseases  and even loss of life 

SEX ABUSEMENT:this is a big problem in the society through sexual abuse at a  young age ex, rape, sexual harrasment etc. leading young people to lose direction in  life and others to lose their lives. 

POVERTY:Poor life leads to many children not getting good education and good  health.

A-CHOICES: According to research child labour continues to persist in Tanzania, and  Africa as a whole how will you advocate for it to be eradicated? 

AGNESS: In order to eradicate child labor in Tanzania and the whole of Africa, it is  to ensure that we provide quality education to children to know the effects of being  used at a young age and not having the right to get a good education and to know  their legal rights that will protect them where they are forced against their will 

A-CHOICES: What motivates you to help those in out-of-home and in-home care? A What are five traits you consider necessary for a child protection officer? 

A-CHOICES: The Achievers Awards International 2024 in Nigeria, how do you feel  being a recipient? 

AGNESS: I feel happy to be selected for this award in the aspect of helping the  community because this award has given me the moral to work hard because my  voice to support children’s rights has made me reach far internationally.I am also  proud to have the honor of being the only Tanzanian in this award 

A-CHOICES: You are also a fashion designer,So when you make clothes for your  clients,what inspires you? 

AGNESS:Fashion honestly inspired me because I can fully express myself with what  I actually want to have on my body. It’s when you feel like you need to have a confident  booster and what not more inspiring than selecting a good outfit. You can be unique  and invent your own style, you can follow in others and imitate their fashion sense.  The fashion industry is a really large and growing industry what at first started as only  loincloths has turned into jewelry, pants, jackets, shoes, belts, wallets, bags, and other  accessories you deeply want to try on. 

A-CHOICES: Apart from designing,what else do you enjoy doing?

AGNESS: Apart from designing I enjoy singing and acting 

A-CHOICES: Which African designer you would like to work with? AGNESS: I would like to work with fashion designer Deola Segoe from Nigeria

A-CHOICES: Looking back,what has been the greatest challenge in your career so  far? 

AGNESS: Greatest challenge in my country is poor transport and communication due  to poor infrastructure, poor government support, lack of education and knowledge  and lack of capital 

A-CHOICES: Do you have a mentor or role model who is helping you along the way  in your career? 

AGNESS: My role model is My President ..Hon Samia Suluhu hassan, she inspire  me on how she handle different challenges faces our country in order to eradicate  poverty and also she fight against early marriage,sexual abusement , human dignity  and she is the first female president in our country. 

A-CHOICES: For what in your life do you feel most grateful? 

AGNESS: In my life , I feel greatful to be among 100 most notable women in Africa  2024 who raised voice and fight for women rights and children rights in my community. The activist is a matter of dedication and where we give ourselves to  help them then we also ask for solidarity and unity to ensure they find peace and  happiness. 

A-CHOICES: If you were granted three wishes right now,what would you ask for? 

AGNESS: I wish I could leave an icon for what I did on my movement to defend the  rights of the child in society and throughout Africa 

I wish to become a great leader in the world who fights for the interests of women in  sexual violence and to establish equality between women and men I wish to see my songs liberating many women, youth and children in liberating them  from mental health problems, intellectual liberation and let it be the catalyst for them  to achieve their goals. 

A-CHOICES: What are your favourite beauty products? 

AGNESS: My best beauty product is O’real for my hair care and perfume.MAC for  my makeup kit 

A-CHOICES: What would you say are your major achievements?

AGNESS: My major achievement Is to be able to fulfill people’s dreams and to bring  happiness back to families who have lost hope also ,I have been able to be trusted  by my government in the process of helping the community. 

A-CHOICES: What is the one thing people would be surprised to know about you? 

AGNESS: Apart from music , designing, councilling and activist people will be suprised  to know I have a talent to act and soon I will be on a Tv series 

A-CHOICES: What motivates you to help those in out-of-home and in home care?  

AGNESS: The activist is a matter of dedication and where we give ourselves to help  them then we also ask for solidarity and unity to ensure they find peace and happiness. 

A-CHOICES: Do you get recognised much in public and what sort of reaction do you normally get from people? 

AGNESS: Many people praise me for what I am doing to my community change their  lives and mindset through music and motivations. 

A-CHOICES: How would you like to be remembered? 

AGNESS: I would like to be remembered for my efforts to fight for justice and gender  equality in my community

Author: Gbenga Teejay Okunlola

London, UK


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