What it means to be a mixed race Model in Bulgaria- “I’m now confortable in my own  skin”… Stefany Obadiaru 

Our interview with Bulgarian born model and dancer Stefany Obadiaru. For 21- year-old Stefany, Sofia is home. But growing up as a mixed-race child in Bulgaria wasn’t always easy. With a Nigerian – father and a Bulgarian mother, Obadiaru was one of a growing number of biracial individuals who has made a name for herself and also as one of the first models to achieve prominence as both a runway and print model. Stefany and I spoke over facetime one evening,she tenderly guided me around her studio and home, showing me her diverse art collection and some of her own work. Stefany is bubbly, endearing and possesses a unique childlike combination of naivete and excitability.Obadiaru has said that she now feels more confident,comfortable with her skin-color than any other point in her life. 

The former Miss Teen-Bulgaria told A-CHOICES that she’s begun to possess a greater knowledge of her own strenghts and weakness as she’s grown older.”It’s really about being comfortable in your skin at every age,” she said.Stefany added: “I feel better now than I ever have before. I feel stronger, I feel more confident, I feel healthier. I feel like I know my body better.” 

ACHOICES: Can you tell us a bit about yourself ? 

STEFANY: First I would like to thank you for interviewing me for this amazing magazine. As  you already know I have been modeling and dancing for 15 years. I do these two things with such pleasure. I think that when you do something willingly, it happens no matter what the  circumstances are. When I was little, most of the people, especially my peers often told me  that I would not succeed with modeling and dancing and that is difficult to be a big name in  Bulgaria if you are with different skin color. But the truth is that I have never give up to  follow my dreams and to achieve my goals. And everything I have achieved so far in my life  is due to my father. Unfortunately I lost him 7 years ago and my whole life turned upside  down. He was the most amazing person I have ever know, always so kind and so inspiring.  Was teaching me and giving me the best he could. But this is the life and that is why we have to appreciate everything we have because when we loose it is already too late. 

ACHOICES: Describe yourself in 3 words? 

STEFANY: I am understanding, kind and self-disciplined. 

ACHOICES: How did you get started in modelling? 

STEFANY: Six years ago I went to a casting for one german tv commercial and I was so shy and not  confident enough and I was convinced that they might not choose me because I didn’t have  much experience in front of camera, but three days after the casting the called me and they  told me that of all the 160 girls, they liked me the most and the next day I was on the set. It  was very exciting for me and it went great. After this commercial, different agencies started  to calling me for photoshoots, music videos , tv commercials and etc.

ACHOICES: What inspired you to compete for Little Miss Bulgaria at age 12? STEFANY: I was inspired to explore and challenge myself, to put myself out there. It has been a great self discovery journey for me as I realized my strength and weaknesses. 

ACHOICES: Do share with us your experience in representing Bulgaria in the International Contest? 

STEFANY: I am really honoured to have this opportunity to represent Bulgaria in International contest. I learnt a lot from other contestants, the organizers, photographers and TV production team. Getting to meet and work with so many people from all over the world is amazing. Everyone was friendly and helpful and we have been keeping in contact since. 

ACHOICES: Your father was from Nigeria,tell us a little bit about him?

STEFANY: Sometimes it is hard for me to talk about my father because he passed away 7 years ago.  Without him is really difficult and I feel an empty space in my heart. I dull the pain I feel with  actions from which I derive positive energy and from which I make him proud. I always feel  his presence and that means that he is with me. I will always remember my daddy with a big  smile and loving heart. He made me the person I am now and that is why I have to be strong  and giving the best I can.  

ACHOICES: What was your first reaction when you saw that video of George Floyd’s killing? 

STEFANY: I could not believe how it is possible to exist such evil people.. I am heartbroken that  anybody can be killed because of their race and I am also heartbroken over the hatred that is spilling out of the people. And the worst thing is that in the midst of an already difficult  pandemic period, this violence is further hurting people. All people must be equal ! 

ACHOICES: Were you teased during your elementary and junior high school because you looked foreign? 

STEFANY: Many times I have been teased but mostly because of my hair. That was making me really  sad and my dad was the one that always telling me that my skin is like a pearl and that I have to love and respect myself.  

ACHOICES: Would you say being mixed is cool? 

STEFANY: To be mixed is a big advantage, especially for modeling.  

ACHOICES: How have you been coping with the on-going situation Covid19


STEFANY: I wash my hands often, wear mask and keep distance.  

ACHOICES: As a model, what would you advise a young girl that wants to become a model? 

STEFANY: The best advice I can give is to take good care of yourself and to upgrade yourself. 

ACHOICES: Who are some of your favourite models and designers? 

STEFANY: One of my favourite models of all time is Naomi Campbell, she inspires me the most. My  second favorite model is Joan Smalls. 

ACHOICES: Now tell us about your experience as a Dancer? 

STEFANY: Dancing is one of my biggest passions. When I dance, it’s like everything clears from my  mind and I’m in a totally different world. I can express my feelings out lively. My love of  dance comes from a love of music – I have a very broad taste in music and I enjoy it when I  am able to partner a favourite style of dance with a favourite song. 

ACHOICES: Say something wonderful in your language? 

STEFANY: “Красотата е банално качество в много жени. Същинското очарование идва от вътрешния пламък на личността. ” (“Beauty is a commonplace quality in many women. The real charm comes from the inner flame of the personality “). 

ACHOICES: Who is your favourite Nigerian music artiste? 

STEFANY: My favourite music artists are Mr Eazi and Davido. I adore their music. 

ACHOICES: Tell us, what are you working on currently? 

STEFANY: Because of the pandemic I don’t have many dance performances and photo shoots but the  good thing is that I work in the Consulate of Kenya in Sofia and I really like it there because I  meet with interesting people and I learn a lot about the beautiful country – Kenya. 

ACHOICES:What does it mean to you to be a model ? 

STEFANY:Well,it means more than anything else I just feel better and confident.. I can think better, I have more energy in my day-to-day life. It’s a constant commitment and challenge to eat healthy and stay consistent with exercise and drink enough water. These basic things that everybody knows they should do, but for whatever reason we get distracted and busy and it becomes a hassle. But the thing is when you really feel the difference from taking care of yourself that keeps you motivated. I feel strong and lean and energised by eating good food that will fuel me and when I sleep well. Energy and wellness relates so closely to beauty – and happiness in everyday life. To be a model, it means to be responsible of yourself, taking care of yourself from the head to toe to be in the best shape and condition. 

ACHOICES:Would you say skincare is self-care,not ‘ anti-ageing’? 

STEFANY: “The term ‘anti-ageing’ is something that has never spoken to me as a consumer. True, I’m not thinking about wrinkles, but I don’t think skincare or investing in your own wellness should be to do with ageing, or anti-ageing, it should be more about nourishing your skin and your body. I have nothing against the term, but I don’t think it’s descriptive of what you’re doing. To me it’s more about self-care.” 

ACHOICES: Did you as a young child want to be a model? Was that a dream? STEFANY: When I was little I have always dreaming to become a dance choreographer and to have my  own dance school. But later, as I grew older, I became more and more interested in fashion  and modeling.  

ACHOICES:Thank you so much for being such an amazing role model. You are truly beautiful inside and out. 

STEFANY: Thank you so much for having me ☺


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