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A-CHOICES: Hi,Tiffany. Can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself?  

TIFFANY: I was born in Congo and came to the UK when I was around 8 years old. Even though I came here when I was young, my culture has always been part of my life. In Congo, music is a big thing. People love to express themselves through the music and their fashion.  

A-CHOICES: What first got you into music and how would you describe your music? 

TIFFANY: In 2011 I started dancing and really found my passion in music. I started singing and performing and found my part in this world. If I could use one word to describe my music it would be Ambiance. It’s all about the vibes. How you feel in that moment. And being elevated from any situation just because of a melody and some lyrics. 

A-CHOICES: Who inspired you to make music? 

TIFFANY: Bill Clinton Kalonji Macintosh. He is a legend in Congo. Very respected and knows his craft. Most people refer to him as the president, hence the name. He has not only inspired me to take this to the next step, but he is also mentoring me. He knows his music and he is driven by passion like myself. 

A-CHOICES: Who would you most like to collaborate with? 

TIFFANY: I would love to collaborate with Shaybo. She is a UK artist that bring the Nigerian vibes to her music. Even though she does drill, I love her music and her flow and how she integrates both of her cultures. South London and Nigeria. That’s what I would like to do. Also Awilo Longomba! He is the godfather.  

A-CHOICES: If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be? 

TIFFANY: I would love to open a show for Diamond Platnumz. Our music styles are similar. Energetic. Vibrant and Alive.  

A-CHOICES: Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows? 

TIFFANY: I’ve performed all around UK. My favourite and the biggest performance I have done is African Oye festival in Liverpool 2015. It’s an African and Caribbean festival that celebrates African music and culture. Favourite venues are the ones outside, as they tend to be bigger and people tend to get more involved in the dancing. I’ve not had a least favourite venue yet, as I just love performing. So anytime I can get a chance I am happy. I don’t have any upcoming events yet, as I am currently working on a new project and once that is rolled out, I will then plan shows. But that’s a while away for now, and with everything going on at the moment with Covid-19, I’m just focusing on horning in on my craft and giving my fans the best of me. 

A-CHOICES: How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business? 

TIFFANY: The internet and especially social media has had a positive impact on music in my opinion. For example, promotion. With social media now you can self-promote, you can network by yourself and you can make connections, whereas before, if you want in the music business, you would need to be promoted, you would need someone to bring you “in”. And now the internet is you’re “in”.  

A-CHOICES: What is your favourite song to perform? 

TIFFANY: Bako Nigana. It means to move. And it’s just about that. Being happy, moving around and just being you. 

A-CHOICES: Which famous musicians do you admire and why? 

TIFFANY: I love Rihanna and Lady Gaga, because I think they are movements within themselves and that’s what I want to be. Anybody can do music. So many people can sing. But to move people, to create this essence. That’s what I admire.  

A-CHOICES: What is the best advice you’ve been given? 

TIFFANY: To stay true to myself and to keep my circle small. And give respect to those who I have come to meet and who have been here before me. 

A-CHOICES: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be? 

TIFFANY: More recognition and respect for women. I feel like women have to work 10 times as hard just to be given their dues. And its 2020. We need to start actively changing this stereotype. By supporting women in the music industry and not just when it benefits us, but because it’s the right thing to do. 

A-CHOICES: What is your top five favourite albums of all time? Why those albums?

TIFFANY: I wouldn’t be able to choose my top 5. In fact I don’t even like comparing albums, I Love music and the thing is with music, depending on how you are and where you are in life it can change. Also as an artist, I know the amount of work that goes into putting out a piece. So to say this is the best or this is better, I couldn’t.  

A-CHOICES: What are your ambitions as a songwriter and musician from here? 

TIFFANY: To just grow. To be the best me. To show up every day and bet at 100. I would love to have my music integrated into movies, into different parts of art. I would love that. That’s the dream, but right now the only ambition I have is to keep growing and building a really solid fan base.  

A-CHOICES: Tell us about Koffi Olomide ,Fally Ipupa and Ferre Gola? 

TIFFANY: Well those 3 artist are Legends. I’ve actually met all of them. And respect them so much. We’ve been in the same circle many times when I go to Congo and they are wonderful human beings. Not only have they made Congolese music mainstream, but they’ve widened our listeners. And they are inspiring people like me, that it is possible. I mean look at Fally! In America he is huge, so it’s great to see. 

A-CHOICES: What would you be doing right now,if it wasn’t for your music career? 

TIFFANY: I would have been either an actress or a make-up artist. I’ve actually been in some Congolese films, it’s fun, it’s all art. I love entertaining and I love all things fashion and beauty.  

A-CHOICES: What is one message you would give to your fans? 

TIFFANY:I just want to say to them keep supporting me. I have new music coming out. Already working on a few singles and even though I’ve taken this hiatus, I am back. I am back in full.

Author: Teejay Okunlola

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