FORMER Manchester United star Patrice Evra has claimed he was “owned” by The Mob at the start of his career.
The 40-year-old French leftist says he signed his first pro deal with Marsala in Sicily without realizing it made him a “property” of the Mafia godfather.
Patrice Evra says he unintentionally became the boss of a mob boss credit: PA: Press Association
He recalls in his new autobiography, I Love This Game: “I found this out when I wanted to move to AS Roma.
“AS Roma said, ‘We have to withdraw the deal because you are that man’s property.”The enraged gangster does not pay Evra for five months, forcing her to struggle to buy food.
He eventually signed for Monza, then Nice and Monaco before moving to United in 2006.
Author: Andrew Collins
London, UK
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